Monday, November 19, 2007

Blair proposes jobs plan for West Bank, Gaza; oil nears $100/barrel, fears of widespread recession; Senate bill bars telecom immunity in wiretap...

19 November :: Fmr UK PM Tony Blair, envoy for 'Quartet' —UN, US, EU, Russia— to Middle East, has proposed a sweeping economic regeneration, job-creation plan for Palestinian territories, to dissuade militancy, get territories on path to viable statehood, long-term peace; plan to include Jericho trade-park, a checkpoint-free Jordan-Jericho trade corridor, public works projects like new sewage system for beleaguered Gaza strip... Oil nearing $100/barrel, observers worry record price could cause recession in several economies around the globe; CSM report suggests OPEC, created to stabilize oil prices, has lost control of pricing due to market, political factors... US Senate committee has voted to strip telecommunications firms of immunity from prosecution for collaborating in illegal NSA wiretaps; telecoms have contended they were forced by gov't to cooperate, while critics charge the companies knowingly violated the law, aided in assault on Constitutional liberties... Transport strike deepens in France, as unions oppose Sarkozy's proposed pension reforms across nation; as more groups join work stoppages, threat of real national 'general strike' looms for president... AP reports "Everyone will feel its effects, [said Yvo de Boer, director of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change] but global warming will hit the poorest countries hardest and will 'threaten the very survival' of some people", as UN scientists gather at Valencia IPCC talks to prepare language, agenda for Bali climate meetings...

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